What went well?
ما هي الاشياء التي جرت على أكمل وجه
Thank you for bringing your Light, and sharing it, in our short yoga-relaxation practice on 5th March. It was a joy to welcome you, and to see all the smiles and hear ‘thank yous’ from so many women who came to the yoga session.
relaxing, I nearly fell asleep” said one.
“ My heart
is ...” said another, and made a big circle around her heart, with a radiant
What did not
go so well?
ما هي الاشياء التي لم تكن جيدة
“The floor
was a bit cold” – and my regular students say the same. We wish we had
under-floor heating.
What is your
advice for the future?ما هي نصيحتك لنا اذا اردنا ان ننفذ هذا النشاط في
“Until next
time” another said.
Yes! Please
come again.
My teacher Velta Snikere Wilson says:
“ Yoga is the opening of silence
within the mind:
The dissolution of clouds in a pool
of clarity,
And allowing passage to the winds of
Yoga is the arising of a smile from
the roots of silence;
The play of sunlight on the open
And allowing passage to the breath of
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