Thursday, 20 March 2014

A tragedy at the end of a great visit. | Remembering Ra'ed Eze'eter.

We hadn't finished putting pictures or notes on the blog, because we became so really busy, when our women friends from Palestine set off back to Palestine. What happened at the border  from Jordan to the West Bank (under the control of the Israeli army) was beyond anyone's worst imagination - It is now unfortunately overshadowing the days before it.  

Here we are going to paste some of the letters we've been sent by our Palestinian friends about what happened.

These are some photos (we hope to have some better ones soon) of a vigil that we had in London to remember Ra'ed Eze'eter.


What we wrote on the facebook page for our vigil

When CADFA women visitors returned home to Palestine last Monday, they were on the same bus as an innocent man who was shot and killed by an Israeli soldier. He was one of six who were killed by Israeli soldiers in Palestine on that day. They were six of how many thousands killed or wounded by the Israeli occupation. 

This is a vigil to remember Raed Eze'eter, who was killed in front of them, and the others who were killed that day too. It is a protest against the appalling military violence that people are having to face in Palestine at the hands of the IOF.

In solidarity with our women friends who say they will never forget, this is to say we too are shocked, we too will not forget.

This is too much - much too much - We need to stand together in solidarity with our friends to call for human rights for Palestinians NOW.


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